We are so very proud to feature
Mason Brown during the month of October. Mason Brown is an insanely brilliant graphic artist and filmmaker who seriously gets down with cardboard in a way unimaginable. As founder of Cardboard Robot, a company which makes top of the line cardboard furniture, Brown moved on further and has now brought his newest invention Clocky.
We were lucky enough to catch an inside look at this insane artists home to realize not only does he make Clocky but he lives in a world of Clocky. He is consumed by his creative vision and continues everyday to perfect the Clocky.

Now on display in the featured artist room, Mason Brown has created an installation which is a slice of the world of Clocky. His cardboard creations have taken over. Check it out:

Clocky pieces and merchandise are available online and can be viewed on our available artwork section of the Crewest site by clicking
The origins of Clocky...
A fortune telling machine cloaked under the
guise of a temporal device,
Clocky is assumed to behold infinite wisdom
and can predict future events.
Ask Clocky a question, roll the icosahedra die provided, turn
the pentagram dial the number
of times determined by the die and the position of
Clocky's wings will dictate your answer.
Powered by the unknown, Clocky is
marked by emblematic symbols
including - but not limited to: owls, stars, checkers,
moons, and the all seeing eye
that eternally sits and watches over us all.
Available in limited addition,
you too can possess the key to unlocking the future.
Do You Know What Time It Is?
Clocky Does...
About the Clock Builder...
Mason Brown is a graphic artist and
filmmaker who resides
in Long Beach, California.
In 1998, Brown founded
Cardboard Robot as an extension
of various multi-media projects
developed by the artist. Resulting from exhaustive
research into the realm of religious
mysticism and secret societies,
Clocky is the invention of Mason Brown -
Founder and Creative
Director of Cardboard Robot.
A veteran of Desert Storm, much of Brown's
work is aimed at promoting social awareness
through politically charged images. Started as an
8mm short film by the same title about
the excessive age of technology, Cardboard Robot
presents work in many disciplines including
an apparel collection and re-purposed cardboard
furniture all under the creative direction of
Mason Brown.
Now through the generous donations of many
devoted disciples of the Church of Clocky,
home of these mystical fortune telling devices,
Clocky has been realized into a limited
series of hand screen printed, signed
and numbered devices
hand assembled by the artist.
If you have questions, you may contact us at info@crewest.com or at 213-627-8272