faces of skid row


We are so very proud to feature Mason Brown during the month of October. Mason Brown is an insanely brilliant graphic artist and filmmaker who seriously gets down with cardboard in a way unimaginable. As founder of Cardboard Robot, a company which makes top of the line cardboard furniture, Brown moved on further and has now brought his newest invention Clocky.

We were lucky enough to catch an inside look at this insane artists home to realize not only does he make Clocky but he lives in a world of Clocky. He is consumed by his creative vision and continues everyday to perfect the Clocky.

Now on display in the featured artist room, Mason Brown has created an installation which is a slice of the world of Clocky. His cardboard creations have taken over. Check it out:

Clocky pieces and merchandise are available online and can be viewed on our available artwork section of the Crewest site by clicking here.

The origins of Clocky...

A fortune telling machine cloaked under the
guise of a temporal device,
Clocky is assumed to behold infinite wisdom
and can predict future events.
Ask Clocky a question, roll the icosahedra die provided, turn
the pentagram dial the number
of times determined by the die and the position of
Clocky's wings will dictate your answer.

Powered by the unknown, Clocky is
marked by emblematic symbols
including - but not limited to: owls, stars, checkers,
moons, and the all seeing eye
that eternally sits and watches over us all.
Available in limited addition,
you too can possess the key to unlocking the future.
Do You Know What Time It Is?
Clocky Does...
About the Clock Builder...

Mason Brown is a graphic artist and
filmmaker who resides
in Long Beach, California.
In 1998, Brown founded
Cardboard Robot as an extension
of various multi-media projects
developed by the artist. Resulting from exhaustive
research into the realm of religious
mysticism and secret societies,
Clocky is the invention of Mason Brown -
Founder and Creative
Director of Cardboard Robot.

A veteran of Desert Storm, much of Brown's
work is aimed at promoting social awareness
through politically charged images. Started as an
8mm short film by the same title about
the excessive age of technology, Cardboard Robot
presents work in many disciplines including
an apparel collection and re-purposed cardboard
furniture all under the creative direction of
Mason Brown.
Now through the generous donations of many
devoted disciples of the Church of Clocky,
home of these mystical fortune telling devices,
Clocky has been realized into a limited
series of hand screen printed, signed
and numbered devices
hand assembled by the artist.

If you have questions, you may contact us at info@crewest.com or at 213-627-8272


New to Crewest and showing for the first time ever at the gallery, James Gillette has a piece now available titled "One Eleven".

One Eleven is a 24 x 36 acrylic & paint marker on wood piece made in 2010 and costs $900. Only available during the Faces of Skid Row Exhibition and comes with a generous perk. If purchased, the artist will donate his ENTIRE proceeds to The Midnight Mission.

Artist Statement:
"Many things are seen and experienced but never again spoken about or even mentioned and my experiences in Skid Row reflect on this. Only so much can be put into words and/or images and so much more remains unknown. This piece is a tribute to the mystery of an experience and the things that remain unsaid." - James Gillette

If interested in purchasing the above piece please contact us at the gallery or via email at info@crewest.com.


Sometimes when a message needs to be said, art is the best way to say it.

“Sometimes when a message needs to be said, art is the best way to say it.”
By Luna George

“Skid Row is virtually synonymous with poverty, violence, and homelessness but in the midst of struggle also lies genuine humanity stripped down to its core. Faces of Skid Row is a fundraiser and exhibition to bring awareness and to benefit those currently living homeless in the Skid Row area in Downtown Los Angeles” says Juxtapoz.com. On October 23, 2010 from 6 to 9 pm Crewest will host a huge fundraiser benefiting the Midnight Mission, an organization dedicated to providing Skid Row residents with shelter, housing, educational services and job placement. A $10 dollar donation will be asked at the door in which all proceeds made at the door will be generously donated to The Midnight Mission by Crewest. Those wishing to attend must RSVP their attendance to skidrow@crewest.com. In addition, 10% of all art and merchandise proceeds will also be donated to The Midnight Mission by Crewest. All are welcome to attend and participate.

By Preston Craig

“Crewest, a Los Angeles-based art gallery, bears witness to the struggles of the residents of Skid Row. Faces of Skid Row, the first exhibition presented by Curator Luna George, showcases the most appealing illustrators, sculptors, street artists, fine artists, graffiti artists and photographers inspired by the experience of being homeless in downtown Los Angeles” states Sonali of Uprising Radio in a radio interview with Luna George.

In a recent statement made by Curator Luna George, George states, “The concept of Faces of Skid Row was created because there was a heart-felt and serious need to help those living on Skid Row. Bringing together this diverse group of artists was the best way I could accomplish getting the message out to the public to help the people of Skid Row. These artists have a way of creating works that capture your eye because it’s fresh, bold and appealing to today’s eye. Sometimes when a message needs to be said, art is the best way to say it…All artists in the show were carefully selected for Faces of Skid Row due to a charismatic talent each possess within their specific genre. Each artist has been carefully observed over the years and the curator knew this show would be perfect for them to express and display their charismatic works for the public to enjoy and to appeal to all senses.”

By Eriberto Oriol

Creating possibility in someone that moves them to action where that possibility did not exist before is the underlying purpose of Faces of Skid Row. At this time, the exhibition itself has caught the attention of local university students who have become inspired to participate in helping those living on Skid Row. The exhibition and curator hope to further its efforts and inspire others to join in on October 23, 2010 at Crewest.

Exhibiting Artists:

Bob Motown, Branded, Dash, Dave Kawano, Enik, Eriberto Oriol, Estevan Oriol, Euth, Ezra, Graham Walzer, Gregg Stone, James Gillette, Juan Balandran, Lalo Alcaraz, Man One, Michael Pizarro, Mike Street, Oscar Magallanes, Philip Lumbang, Preston Craig, Shing Yin Khor, Smear, Thomas the Messenger, Two Rabbits, Mas, Ruthie Pie, Mason Brown

Crewest is located at 110 Winston St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 and can reached at 213-627-8272 or via email at info@crewest.com. Their website is at: www.crewest.com.

Fundraiser Night is sponsored by: Jarritos, Roaring Lion Energy Drink, Urth Caffe, Earth Café and Big Man Bakes.

Media Contact: Luna George

By Thomas the Messenger



Oscar Magallanes has shown at Crewest on numerous occasions and was even our featured artist for last year’s Top of the Dome. Now, Oscar Magallanes currently has on display another one of his signature style pieces “Veterano” during our Faces of Skid Row Exhibition.

Veterano is a representation of the beliefs of the artist and is mixed media on wood.

The artist’s statement of beliefs are as follows:

“I believe we need to identify that which is harmful to our community and our environments and we must actively work towards positive change. I also believe that we as a community need to educate ourselves in our history in order to provide a strong basis as to who we are as people of our descent and help celebrate our cultures and the struggles that we, and those before us have persevered. I am an artist, and it is with these beliefs that I create my art."

If interested in purchasing this piece (or other works from "Faces of Skid Row") go to our Available Works Section (click here)

If you have any questions please contact us at info@crewest.com.



We were truly lucky to have Mike the Poet, a spoken word artist and performer, come out at the Opening of Faces of Skid Row on October 2, 2010. His performance had energy and his words were powerful. The truth was spoken.

We would like to share the following piece by Mike the Poet "Skid Row" which was exclusively written for the his "Faces of Skid Row" opening night performance:

Skid Row
By Mike the Poet

Skid Row intersects
With the Toy District
But don’t get it twisted
It’s no place for kids.
Skid Row shrinks & grows
When the sun sets.
The industrial back streets
Of Skid Row by day
Do brisk business.
Hong Kong Wholesale,
Apparel, Textile Warehouses,
Underground sweatshops,
Fabric stores & Fish Markets.
When commerce closes down
go the metal garage doors
And out come the homeless.
By day they can be found in
Single-room occupancies,
Basketball courts, porta-potties,
Brick buildings & back alleys.
The Midnight Mission &
League of Women
are a small safety net.
Still not nearly enough beds,
Cardboard boxes
Are used instead;
Spread over 10 square blocks.
Lighters flicker on & off,
Some are here on purpose,
Some on accident &
Some were left.
All of them are
Sleeping with
One eye open,
Trash cans on fire,
Packs of tents,
The brave ones sleep alone.
It’s a short distance between
Heaven & hell
Along the Nickel.
Los Angeles Street
Is the Berlin Wall --
A liminal thoroughfare
East of Luxury Loft Land.
Steps away from
Adaptive Reuse,
A few blocks away
From Pussy & Pooch.
Ice Skating in Pershing Square,
The Oscars at the Biltmore,
Hybrid Showroom-Boutiques
In the Historic Core are next door
To Skid Row watering holes.
This has happened before
On the Lower Eastside &
San Francisco’s Mission District.
Redevelopment or Gentrification.
How do we reconcile
these merging worlds?
If we had the answers
Would Skid Row still be here?
Would they sleep somewhere else?
Would they sleep in the River?
To those stressed about the homeless,
What do you suggest?
People aren’t garbage,
They can’t be swept
In the recycling bin.
Furthermore the homeless
Were here before the lofts,
They were here before
The Art Walk.
They are a product of
Trickle Down Economics,
A product of the free market.
Emerson spoke of the Over-SouL
Today’s man is much more cold,
We are the richest country in the world,
But you’d never know on Skid Row..
Skid Row intersects
With the Toy District
But don’t get it twisted
It’s no place for kids.

Please visit Mike the Poet at: http://www.myspace.com/mikethepoet

Faces of Skid Row Exhibition will be on view through October 31st. Come on by! Don't miss out on our fundraiser night on October 23, 2010 from 6-9 pm.

For more info, email us at info@crewest.com
