Oscar Magallanes has shown at Crewest on numerous occasions and was even our featured artist for last year’s Top of the Dome. Now, Oscar Magallanes currently has on display another one of his signature style pieces “Veterano” during our Faces of Skid Row Exhibition.

Veterano is a representation of the beliefs of the artist and is mixed media on wood.

The artist’s statement of beliefs are as follows:

“I believe we need to identify that which is harmful to our community and our environments and we must actively work towards positive change. I also believe that we as a community need to educate ourselves in our history in order to provide a strong basis as to who we are as people of our descent and help celebrate our cultures and the struggles that we, and those before us have persevered. I am an artist, and it is with these beliefs that I create my art."

If interested in purchasing this piece (or other works from "Faces of Skid Row") go to our Available Works Section (click here)

If you have any questions please contact us at
