james gillette


New to Crewest and showing for the first time ever at the gallery, James Gillette has a piece now available titled "One Eleven".

One Eleven is a 24 x 36 acrylic & paint marker on wood piece made in 2010 and costs $900. Only available during the Faces of Skid Row Exhibition and comes with a generous perk. If purchased, the artist will donate his ENTIRE proceeds to The Midnight Mission.

Artist Statement:
"Many things are seen and experienced but never again spoken about or even mentioned and my experiences in Skid Row reflect on this. Only so much can be put into words and/or images and so much more remains unknown. This piece is a tribute to the mystery of an experience and the things that remain unsaid." - James Gillette

If interested in purchasing the above piece please contact us at the gallery or via email at info@crewest.com.
