More pics of him in action and of the rest of the show on our Flickr page
For more on Robert Vargas' work contact us at:
These are the faces of Skid Row
Join the World Cup party at Crewest.
We'll be showing two great matches live this weekend on our big screen: USA vs Ghana
and Mexico vs. Argentina
USA vs. Ghana
Saturday June 26th kickoff : 11:30 am.
Come and watch the USA vs. Ghana as the stars and stripes battle to advance to quarter
Mexico vs. Argentina
Sunday June 27th kickoff: 11:30 am.
Will it be Gio or Messi that take their team to the next round?
Free to the Public and all ages welcome!
Snacks and Beverages will be provided.
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Please join us this Saturday, June 19th, 2010 from 6pm to 9pm as we present to you the release of Brooklyn based artist & animator, Steve Talkowski’s flagship designer vinyl character, Sketchbot!
Limited to 500 pieces and packaged with a unique pencil accessory and matching sticker. Measures 5 inches tall with 6 points of articulation. Only $35
Click here to purchase online.
Produced and manufactured by Sketchbot Studios in association with Solid Ind.
About Steve Talkowski
Steve is the June Featured toy designer of the month at Crewest has been working in the computer graphics and animation field since 1987. Upon moving to New York City in 1994, he landed at Blue Sky Studios, honing his character animation skills on the ground-breaking features Joe's Apartment, Alien Resurrection, Bunny (1998 Academy Award Winner for Best Animated Short) and Ice Age. Recent years found him directing, designing and animating a wide variety of characters for BMW, Cheerios, Quaker Oats, French's, Chapstick, M&M's, Pepsi and Target, to name a few. In 2008, Steve responded to the yearning to create something unique and personal. Quitting his day job and going freelance, he was able to pursue that vision and proceeded to develop a character that embodied the spirit of creativity, housed within a quirky, retro-style robot. Sketchbot was born! In March 2010, the character served as a blank canvas for 50 artists to customize for the wildly successful Sketchbot Custom Show held at My Plastic Heart. Steve currently resides in Brooklyn with his wife, new baby girl and dog. http://sketchbot.blogspot.com
Email us at info@crewest.com for any questions.
Crewest will be hosting World Cup viewing parties for the Downtown LA community all June long. Opening it's doors unusually early to accommodate the live broadcasting of the soccer games happening in South Africa, the gallery will be open free to the public, all ages welcome. Local eateries will be providing small snacks and beverages as well.
Save the following dates and times and plan to join us for the World Cup First Round Viewing Parties:
6/11: 6:30am Mexico vs. So. Africa and 11:00am Uruguay vs. France
6/12: 11:00am England vs. USA
6/14: 11:00am Italy vs. Paraguay
6/15: 11:00am Brazil vs. North Korea
6/17: 11:00am France vs. Mexico
6/18: 11:00am England vs. Algeria
6/20: 11:00am Brazil vs. Ivory Coast
6/22: 6:30am Mexico vs. Uruguay and 11:00am Greece vs. Argentina
6/23: 6:30am USA vs. Algeria and 11:00am Ghana vs. Germany
6/25: 6:30am Portugal vs. Brazil and 11:00am Chile vs. Spain
*We will show select elimination round matches as well, please check our website for dates and times.
Important Dates and Times, more to TBA
Crewest Gallery is located at 110 Winston St., Los Angeles, CA 90013, info@crewest.com.
ABBY , an alumni of Art & Design High School (NYC ), started her writing career around 1982, motion bombing on bus lines and walls of her native Queens New York neighborhood. It was at Art & Design H.S. where she discovered early female writer 'Heart' AKA Lady Heart, thus giving her the confidence that graffiti was not a "Boys Only" craft. Taking the subway everyday, ABBY became further inspired and
influenced early on by and aware of a bevy of the females rockin’ the Number and Letter Train Lines such as Chick, SS and Pink.
Artists she saw "Up" in her home turf of Jamaica Queens include Cey City and Cer TPA crew who first took her to bomb the E and F trains. Eventually mentors like Mare139, Seen TC5, Web and Doc nurtured and critiqued her work, as she independently developed her piecing style during her high school years.
ABBY was "Up" most often on the A, CC, E, F and sometimes on N, GG, 2 and 5 lines. Her art was prolific in the 80’s Black Book Culture Scene as well as 90’s Wall Art Culture.
In the New Millenium, ABBY performed live painting at the "Meeting of the Styles" event in Chicago and at the "B-Boy Barbeque" in Philadelphia (both in 2005). That year also signified her return to street painting. In 2009 ABBY's work was shown at the "Queenz Arrive" Show at McCaig Welles Gallery in Williamsburg (Brooklyn). In February 2010, her work will be featured in the "TC5 Black History Month Collective" on DirtyPilot.com
In Her Own Words:
Artist's Statement
.."This medium allows me a different place in which to dwell and express my freedom and imagination. As my style has evolved, I’m much less focused on the size and structure of the letter, while taking a more experimental approach to what I do with it..a bit less remains planned ( Traditional Black Book Style) and more about the mood of the
moment...I just began using my old paint colors (that were in storage in NY for 20 years) and that old smell of Krylon is still intoxicating to me in addition to still being great to paint with. Very concentrated. With the new paints I utilize, it’s all about pressure and distance. I can do anything with them yet use less of it to achieve the same intensity in pigment. My style remains based in traditional graff letter structure. I tend not to close my paths and let other paths join in and influence or give emphasis to a line. I’m the free-bird, the butterfly of the crew."
Website: www.tcfive.com
Artwork by Abby will be on display during "Revolutions" on view from March 6th through March 28th, 2010 at Crewest.
Exclusive limited edition tee designed by Doc TC-5 will be available at the opening on March 6th!
Pre-order requests can be sent to info@crewest.com
Website: www.tcfive.com