

We're happy to announce that we'll be hosting the exclusive release party for the new 8” BIC Buddy on the last weekend of March 2010.

Designed by our boy Marka27, we'll have his newly designed toy available, as well as 8" blanks, and the first big artist custom lineup of the year!

The lineup includes Angry Woebots, Asylm, Auks, Dez Einswell, DrilOne, Enamel Kingdom, Erick Scarecrow, Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Jasper Santos, Jesse Hernandez, Jester, Jnub of “Leroy Jenkins”, kaNO, Keith Poon, Kenji Nakayama, Lichiban, Lou Pimentel, MAD, Man One, Marka27, Munk One, NC Winters, Nemo, Pen ‘Tha/Black/Krayon”, Phu!, Pon, Problak, Reactor-88, Ritzy Periwinkle, Saner, Scribe, Sket-One, Southerndrawl, Spankystokes, Nakanari, Tristan Eaton, Vyal.

Also some other BIG surprises, you won't wanna miss it!

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Crewest steps inside the colorful world of Alony’s Art and learns what inspires and motivates her to create, as well as discusses her current piece “The Mad Scientist” which will be on display at this years Top of the Dome at Crewest.

First off the basics, tell us a little about you.

Hello, I am Alonys. I don’t know what would be considered basic about me, so I’ll try, I am an artist, wife, no kids, but we have an amazing cat named Meow. I’m obsessed with music, love life and feel blessed to be an artist...basically.

Tell us, what inspires you to create art?

Having a voice through colour is what inspires me.

The things that inspire me daily are as random as each day in life. I could be watching television, be on the net, hear a song, have a conversation... it really could be anything. Knowing that my perception could be understood or connect with another person, simply by translating what I feel through colour is inspiring to me. It’s an art form that can, without a word spoken, speak volumes to so many across many lines.

Who are your influences and why?

My list continues to grow regarding artists as I grow not only older but artistically. There is no denying Jackson Pollack inspired many of my early pieces and continues too. There is a sense of contained freedom in his work to me. Some of his work has a musical undertone, like a rhythm beats beneath the layers of paint. Pollack is comparable to a composer of a song that you play over and over again, each time taking you on another journey. His work leaves you did he create this, making you love it even more.

I also have a great love for Frida Kahlo because her fiery spirit burns infinitely. I think of her often when I am creating artwork in my studio, a.k.a. Lab77. The emotion within her work translates in so many ways that all can feel, no matter what path they’ve walked in life. I want people to feel that when they see or collect my art.

What motivates you to be an artist?

Besides knowing that I am blessed to have this gift, and also knowing if I did not grow as an artist I would be going against a destiny chosen for me....

It’s also turning something old into something new and valuable, and ultimately helping tell stories about our generation. You always need to think, what will be left behind. What will they learn about us in the future from what we’ve created?

Art has always aided in telling the story of history. Vinyl and compact discs have nearly become relics, if not deemed by most as “garbage”. That idea alone motivated me to make art that incorporates ‘everyday’ items in our current life, and transform them.

You appear to be an artist who chooses interesting objects as your canvas, what would you consider to be the perfect canvas and why?

I honestly don’t think I can pick a “perfect” canvas. I started on paper bags, then moved onto tables, mirrors, cymbals, canvas, you name it. Basically anything I could get my hands on. My most recent has been bamboo, for my accessories line. The texture is amazing. I love painting vinyl. That’s def. a favorite. No surface is safe around me. They are all perfect!!!

In your bio, you mention an “insane world”, why do you consider the world as being insane and how is that reflected in your art?

The world is insane to me, because within all this beauty we still manage to voluntarily destroy ourselves everyday in some way shape or form. I feel we all genuinely want the same thing, meaning harmony, but somewhere we crave that destruction and pain, and to me that is “insane”. In my work I try to reflect these notions through the use of colour, mixed with what I call “beautiful crazy”. The idea I may convey within a particular piece may be dark, but the vibrant use of colour distracts your senses to see something positive and inviting..

Tell us abut the piece you have on display for this Year’s Top of the Dome VI?

The piece I created for this years celebration is “The Mad Scientist”. This sums up my idea of the state of the world today as we transform within the digital age, not knowing if and when to push “the button” or if in fact its already been pushed. In my piece, the skull becomes the nucleus for all the negative and positive possibilities. It’s a question of life or death, and its up to the collector to balance the equation.

Any last words?

Thank you Crewest for the invitation to be a part of this amazing show. Also thank you to my husband, family, friends, and my amazing collectors for inspiring me to live Life in Colour and create art.


From the Streets of Iran
"Works on Paper by Urban Artists from Iran"

Opening Reception:
September 10th, 2009 from 6pm to 9pm
(During the Downtown Artwalk)
Show runs thru September 26th, 2009

Crewest presents From the Streets of Iran, Works on paper by urban artists in Iran, curated by Shervin Shahbazi. This exhibit is the first of its kind in the U.S. featuring graffiti-based works on paper by ICY, SOT, FRZ, MAD, and CK1. These artists have exhibited their work in Europe and Australia, and this is their United States debut.

The artists draw inspiration from Iran’s rich heritage of calligraphy, visual arts, revolution and the state in which they live, as well as their exposure to graffiti and urban art in the West. Their work encompasses a broad range of subject matter—from urbanism and political resistance to scenes of everyday people and the innocence of youth. Each of the artists practices their own aesthetic. In some works, detailed hand styles overlap with spray can imagery; in others, stencil work and careful attention to texture affect a stylized photorealism. However the individual styles may differ, the works as a group resonate with hope and a determination to realize the promise of a better future from the streets of Iran.

Here's a slideshow of some images in the show...

Iranian Artist Bios:

My interest in urban art is rooted in the fact that not only it gives you the possibility of expressing anything you might have to say but also its instant access to the general public. My work is mainly about the social and political issues in my country as well as the world, and I chose stencil art for it is the best-suited medium for my purpose.
My first exhibit was a group show in Tehran which was so well received that it inspired me and the rest of the participating artists to work harder and use the city walls to publicize the issues of our people even more than before.

I learned about graffiti by watching video clips and skate boarding movies, not to mention CK1’s influence. I started working with ICY and SOT around the summer of 2003 when we collaborated on our first project, which led to forming the group, ICEPUNKZ. We learned by experimentation and although in the beginning we were just doing it for fun, but as days passed we got more and more serious. Later I realized that because of the situation in Iran, stencils are the best forms of communicating our ideas. My subjects are not limited to any particular issues. I make work about things that challenge my thoughts. I work on walls because people are so preoccupied with everyday life, that they don’t have time to go to galleries so we bring the art to them.

I used to stencil logos of punk bands I liked on the walls of my room. I got exposed to street art through movies and photographs. I liked the idea of putting art on street walls where you can see it every day, so I started painting on walls in my neighborhood. I started small and as I got better I made bigger works. Life, people, and the city are my inspiration and all the struggles that impact our lives influence my work. I like to see the streets act as galleries that people go to on a daily basis.

In Iran graffiti is considered a political offense. I was once detained for three days by the security forces for painting on the walls. My first serious piece was on the side of a highway. It was like a traffic sign that had the word LAW crossed out in red. I liked working on walls because on the streets you don’t have to obey formal academic rules that I had to deal with when I was at the university. One of the things I really liked was the illustrations that accompanied the manuscripts of two very popular Iranian poets-Hafez and Rumi- so I started working on canvas and experimented with combining the traditional Persian art with contemporary street art. I had become interested in print making in high school and chosen stencils for my work.
What draws me to the wall is the suffering I witness every day. Poverty, hunger and misery deprive people from living a life of love and friendship. You see it in peoples’ eyes; sadness leaves no room to think about peace. I see these things and I want to communicate what I feel is life to our people, that’s why I love painting on the walls.

When it comes to graffiti my story is very similar to others who paint the walls in Iran. I started tagging and putting stickers around our skateboarding hangout. Then as I got exposed to works of street artists in other countries through the Internet, I became more interested and basically taught myself to stencil and paint the walls. I do a lot of photography and sometimes I use my photos to work from. As my technique evolved I started working on social issues and problems that we all face in my country. I like painting on the walls because I like how walls can speak for me.

110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 627-8272 ph
(213) 559-0525 fx



Bic Plastics Brings to you their first Platform Series "BUDDY" designed by our very own Marka27.


August 15 @ Crewest

110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 627-8272 ph

Live in-store signing by featured artists:
David Flores, Jesse Hernandez, Marka27, Angry Woebots, and Ritzy Periwinkle

Grooves by Dj Phyz Ed
Refreshments provided by:
Jarritos and Roaring Lion Energy Drink

ARTIST SERIES 1 Features some of todays most talented artists:
Jesse Hernandez
Ritzy Periwinkle
David Flores
Angry Woebots
Andrew Bell
Brandt Peters

**Launching August 15, Bic Plastics will have 3 exclusive releases in 3 major cities.

If your in L.A, N.Y or Chicago come out and meet the artists! Who says
you cant buy friends when you can buy Buddies!

*New York August 21st @ ToyTokyo 6PM-9PM
Toy Tokyo Retail Store
121 2nd Ave 2F. NYC, NY 10003
Phone: 212.673.5424
FAX: 212.673.5450

Signing Artists in N.Y: Sket, Kano, Cope2, Indie84, Marka27

*Chicago August 22nd
@ Rotofugi 5PM-8PM
1953 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622
866.953.9229 or 312.491.9501 or

Signing Artists in Chicago: Jesse Hernandez, Marka27



Marka's newest creations... peep game all you vinyl toy addicts!

To order online click HERE!


As soon as they are released you best believe we'll be carrying them!
More soon!



Check out this show at the gallery until August 31st. It's a great show featuring some great artists and toy designers expressing there thoughts about female beauty, empowerment, and sexuality. Artists include: Blokhedz, Jesse Hernandez, Marka27, MAD*L, Biz20, ninerevolutions, Lichiban, Problak, Man One, Edgar Hoill, Axis, OG Abel, Erick Scarecrow, Gregg Stone, Asylm, Victor Sepulveda, Spencer Davis (Booty Babes), Eriberto Oriol, J. Brewer and Fearo.

Check out the review by Vinyl Pulse!

Live painting on models during the closing reception on August 30th.
Check it.