For those of you who grew up in LA in the early 90's
Sahl was the hidden moniker you spotted at the bus stop,
on street poles, in alley ways, and almost every other
conceivable landmark that could be written on if you looked
closely. His talent for catching the right spot that would
never get buffed was remarkable.

Nowadays he's put away the meanstreak and pulled out the
camera. Still relying on his eye for getting up, he is
flicking the City of Angels as he walks it and as he sees it.

He's been capturing some amazing shots that only a true
writer can discover and sharing them with us all.

Sahl's photography will be on exhibit during this month's show:

Look for more work by Sahl in the future.




For 35 plus years Leo Limon has been painting the Los Angeles River cat faces on the storm-drain covers and is involved with groups whose efforts are to revive the Los Angeles River as a historic region, cultural art enclave and tourist destination.

Check out this quick video of him spray painting up one of his cats in the LA River. (We love the commentary of the passerby hater):

Over the years he has developed these cat paintings as a result of his work in the LA River:

His new multimedia work includes actual "abatement" pieces which he peels off the walls of the city. The grey on the top side shows where the city is trying to cover up the colorful talent of the young graff artists spray painted on the other.

He is an artist, an activist, and a veteran.

His work will be on display during our February exhibition:
Things That Get Buffed...




We are very shocked and sorry to say that artist Dash "2000" Fidel passed away in his sleep after battling cancer on Sunday, January 9th, 2010. The news of his passing hit the hearts of many as he was well known within the art community for his friendship, talent and cutting edge signature style pieces.

Dash "2000" Fidel had shown at the gallery many times over the years. His last piece he had on display at the gallery was in October during the Faces of Skid Dow exhibition which was a benefit for the homeless living on Skid Row. Dash was considered not only a friend of the gallery but a talented artist with a promising future.

We send all our love and support to the family, friends and the UTI crew.


(Photos above by Eriberto Oriol

Artwork by Dash "2000" Fidel

The famous Los Angeles Print by Dash "2000" Fidel

Dash's famous lamps




Here is a special sneak preview of artwork by street artists GAIA, Clown Soldier and Joe Iurato for our upcoming exhibit "Street Degrees of Separation" which opens Saturday January 8th, 2011:

Gaia, "Untitled", 30x 21, Linoleum block, $660

Marrying the animal and the human form, Gaia conjures mysterious figures that carry a heavy sense of mythology and recall a past when man and nature were once united.

Visit Gaia online at

Clownsoldier, "Clown Soldier", 22" x 30", Screen print and acrylic on archival paper, $220 unframed. $400 framed

Joe Iurato, "The Raven", 13" x 13", Hand cut stencil, acrylic and spray paint on glass and cardboard in a shadow box frame, 2010, $480

Joe Iurato, signs his work :01. He doesn’t do it to conceal his identity, though. It’s his belief that a single second is the most powerful measurement of time.

You can visit Joe Iurato online at:

Artwork will also be on display by:
Chris Clark, Chris RWK, Clown Soldier, Damon Ginandes, David Flores, Ernesto Yerena, EyeFormation, FAKE, Gabe Copeland, GAIA, Hidden Moves, Joe Iurato, JMR, Philip Lumbang, Shai Dahan and special guest and pro-skater Danny Gonzales.

Hope to see you at this weekend's opening!



Please join us on Saturday, January 8th, 2011 for the opening reception of Street Degrees of Separation.

Street Degrees of Separation is a group show with artists from around the world, coming together to kick off the new year. 2011 will bring amazing new work, new projects and new art by some of today’s greatest street-artists, and while artists prepare for what they will unleash on walls across the planet, they found themselves coming together for this show. Street Degrees explores the global connection of street-artists and their unified motive in the new year: Reinvention.

The show brings artists from Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Texas, UK, Sweden, Indonesia and much more. The artists list includes Chris Clark, Chris RWK, Clown Soldier, Damon Ginandes, David Flores, Ernesto Yerena, EyeFormation, FAKE, Gabe Copeland, GAIA, Hidden Moves, Joe Iurato, JMR, Philip Lumbang, Shai Dahan and special guest Danny Gonzales.

Exhibition runs through Sunday, January 30, 2011. Artwalk event takes place on Thursday, January 13, 2011 from 6-10pm.

Hope to see you there!




“Drugs Ruin Creativity”

This is the message for the Sharpie graff battle this coming Saturday being
produced by Narconon Professional Drug Prevention.

Grand prize:
$200 (plus design will be converted into an official
tee for the Kingdom Day Parade in January 2011)

2nd prize:

3rd prize:

The competition is limited to the first 30 contestants ages 15+.

Battle guidelines:
1. The message must be readable.

2. Style of the design needs to communicate the message. It is very important that the word “ruin” is not confused with “kill” in the design.

3. Your piece must be designed live at the battle (Sharpies and paper will be provided).

4. To register, please go to and click on Graffiti Battle and it will take you to the instructions to register.

5. As the winning piece will be representing “Narconon Professional Drug Prevention” it is important that you stand behind the message.

Check in time: 12:00 pm
*Battle starts at 12:30 pm

Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA

**Aside from the cash prizes, the first place design will have 300 t-shirts printed and worn by the exhibitors and performers in the Kingdom Day Parade held on January 17, 2011.

The remaining t-shirts will be distributed throughout the crowd. A t-shirt will be given to the Channel 7 commentator as we approach the judges’ stand.
This parade airs to millions of people and tens of thousands of people attend.

The winning piece will also be on 500 booklets with the title, “Ten Things Your Friends May Not Know About Drugs”, and will be given to the Channel 7 commentator along with the t-shirt.

In addition, the event will be filmed and your piece will be sent to two organizations in Washington, D.C. who are appointed to oversee the Los Angeles activities for the Martin Luther King Day celebration for 2011. Also, an international press release will be sent out through Narconon International about you and your piece.

Your message through graffiti art is very important to the future of our youth!
You are listened too and your art admired!

Narconon Professional Drug Prevention




For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Luna George

“In the Graffiti subculture, practitioners are known as “writers” because graffiti is about writing your name on as many surfaces as possible. Although many writers elevate their art form to the level of creating huge and beautiful murals, they all began their journey as an artist by first learning to write and perfect their name. The Sharpie marker is often the first tool a writer acquires in his lifelong journey to hone his craft and in becoming an artist“ states Man One on

Los Angeles, CA – Crewest is proud to present “The Sharpie Show II” an exhibit featuring unique works of art from all over the world, created solely by a well rounded group of practitioners of the famed marker. These artists have decided to "uncap their creativity" using nothing but a Sharpie!

The Opening Reception will take place Saturday, December 4, 2010 from 6-9pm and will feature live Sharpie art by emerging artist,Douglas Cruise, all the way from Mississippi! Beats by DJ Phyz Ed and free giveaways compliments of Sharpie. The Exhibition runs through Sunday, January 2, 2011. Artwalk event takes place on Thursday, December 9th, 2010 from 6-9pm.

“In the Graffiti subculture, practitioners are known as “writers” because graffiti is about writing your name on as many surfaces as possible. Although many writers elevate their art form to the level of creating huge and beautiful murals, they all began their journey as an artist by first learning to write and perfect their name. The Sharpie marker is often the first tool a writer acquires in his lifelong journey to hone his craft and in becoming an artist“ states Man One on

After the success of last year’s “The Sharpie Show”, Crewest and Man One have decided to bring back this exhibition to Los Angeles with “The Sharpie Show II”. Last year's exhibit featured original pieces by some of the best known graffiti artists, illustrators and tattoo artists in the country (and beyond) such as Mike Giant, Greg “Craola” Simkins, George Clinton and Lalo Alcaraz. This year's The Sharpie Show II promises to rock LA to a new creative tempo in the world of Sharpie art and will open people's eyes to an expanded range of uncapped techniques, styles and talent. All are welcome to come through and enjoy!

In the Featured Artist Room:
Travis Moore impressed us all at the last Sharpie Show with his massive monster of a piece “The Wait of the World” which entailed fine lines designed by his own creative vision. His piece is still unforgettable. This year, Crewest is proud to present Travis Moore as December’s featured artist. His enthusiasm and dedication to using Sharpies as his preferred tool to making outstanding art will be injected into a super Sharpie installation on display and in conjunction with the exhibit all month long. Get your Sharpie on!

Exhibiting Artists:
14bolt, Abe Lincoln Jr., Afex THC, Alexandra Tolbert, Alfie Ebojo, Andre Khazraei, Arpen THC, Bahgo, Bart Saric, BboyB the Hiphop Preservationist, Beenznrice, Benjie, Bob Motown, Branded, Brendan Blowers, Bron Theron, Chad Kouri, Chris Giorgio, CINK, CJ, Cristian "Smear" Gheorghiu, Dan Ruhrmanty, Donna Letterese, Douglas Cruise, Ezra, Faris Farisaalsaffar, Ghost One, Gil Areola, Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Ilse Valfre, Inept, Jacobo Wallker, James Bentley, Jana Bocklund, Jaxiajax, Jeffery Page, JNGL, Jonathan Delgado, Josh Attkisson, JOS-L, JR aka Zombiac, Koffinz One, Lab Studio Designs, Leo Silva, Leticia Maldonado, Lindsey, MAD ONE, Man One, Mark Dugally, MelonJames, Michael Pizarro, Mildred, Modern Day Monster, Mr. Puppet, Ms. Klue, New Colony, Nils Jawa, OkiraMyth, Omar Martinez, Oso, Phloe, PHONETICONTROL, REL.ONE, Rick Rodriguez, ROME, Ruthie Pie, S. Watters, Septerhed, Sergio D. Robleto, Sherrie Thai, SIMS, Sloke, Smerf One, Steve Martinez aka Pablo Jimenez, Todd, Travis Moore, Two Rabbits, VOX, Xirena, Xplode One DCV, Yumi Sakugawa, Zender and more…

Link to pics from last year’s Sharpie Show:

List of artist websites:

Sneak Preview:

Link to flyer image:

Crewest Gallery is located at 110 Winston St. Los Angeles, CA 90013. Crewest is a gallery that supports some of the most talented underground artists from the West Coast and beyond. The gallery's focus is on urban & graffiti art created through painting, sculpture, digital, and print medias. All of the exhibits housed at Crewest deal with what is current, and significant within the realm of the urban art experience. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Thursday: Noon to 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday: Noon to 8 p.m.; Sunday: Noon to 6 p.m. and Mondays are closed. For more information, please call 213.627.8272, email at or visit

# # #


Crewest would like to introduce you into the wonderful world of artists of The Sharpie Show II. Please see below for a list of The Sharpie Show II artist websites:


Xplode One DCV

Mr. Puppet


Tiki Jay One


Bart Saric



BboyB the Hiphop Preservationist

Abe Lincoln Jr.

Ilse Valfre


Lab Studio Designs

Michael Pizarro

Travis Moore



Sherrie Thai



Brendan Blowers

Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca

Chris Giorgio

Douglas Cruise

Donna Letterese


Afex THC


Jana Bocklund

Jeffery Page

Andre Khazraei


Chad Kouri


Modern Day Monster



Sergio D. Robleto



S. Watters

Cristian "Smear" Gheorghiu

Two Rabbits

Steve Martinez aka Pablo Jimenez


Nils Jawa

Yumi Sakugawa



The Sharpie Show II is quickly approaching here is a little sneak peak into what you will see in this year's exhibit:

"Amor" by Jacobo Wallker

"Shaman" by Sherrie Thai

"Amish Rave Central (Quilted Paper)" by Chad Kouri

"Sharp as a Hyenas Network" by Steve Martinez aka Pablo Jimenez

We hope to see you at this year's Sharpie Exhibit. Opens Saturday December 4th, 2010 from 6-9pm.



Crewest is proud to present “The Sharpie Show II” an exhibit featuring unique works of art from all over the world, created solely by a well rounded group of practitioners of the famed marker. These artists have decided to uncap their creativity using nothing but a Sharpie!

The Opening Reception will take place Saturday, December 4, 2010 from 6-9pm. The exhibit runs through Sunday, January 2, 2011. Artwalk event takes place on Thursday, December 9th, 2010 from 6-9pm.

In the Featured Artist Room:
Travis Moore

Exhibiting Artists:
14bolt, Abe Lincoln Jr., Afex THC, Alexandra Tolbert, Alfie Ebojo, Andre Khazraei, Arpen THC, Bahgo, Bart Saric, Beenznrice, Benjie, Bob Motown, Branded, Brendan Blowers, Chad Kouri, Chris Giorgio, CJ, Cristian "Smear" Gheorghiu, Donna Letterese. Douglas Cruise, Ezra, Faris Farisaalsaffar, Ghost One, Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Ilse Valfre, Inept, Jana Bocklund, Jaxiajax, Jeffery Page, Jonathan Delgado, Josh Attkisson, JOS-L, Lab Studio Designs, Lindsey, Lisa Hilstrom, MAD ONE, Man One, MelonJames, Michael Pizarro, Mildred, Modern Day Monster, Mr. Puppet. New Colony. Nils Jawa. OkiraMyth. Oso. Phloe, PHONETICONTROL. REL.ONE, Rick Rodriguez, ROME. Ruthie Pie, S. Watters, Septerhed. Sergio D. Robleto, Sherrie Thai, SIMS, Sloke, Steve Martinez, Tiki Jay One, Todd, Travis Moore, Two Rabbits, Xplode One DCV, Yumi Sakugawa and more…

110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

See you there!



Hundreds descended to our Downtown location and were truly mesmerized by
the 100+ skulls on display!

Dj Akaider provided the beats and got the people off on the right foot.

We have a great event planned for Downtown Artwalk (November 11) so come on through and check out this yearly exhibit.

Remember, show is up until Nov.28th, 2010!

Here's a little teaser video of what you missed opening nite.



Check out more pics on Flickr

110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA




Live art and music event announcing the release of the new action film:

Live poster printing by:
Two Rabbits Studios

Music by:
DJ Phyz Ed:

Thursday November 11, 2010

6pm to 9pm
During Downtown L.A. Artwalk

Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013
phone: (213) 627-8272


After 10 years in prison, Driver (Dwayne Johnson) has a singular focus - to avenge the murder of his brother during the botched bank robbery that led to his imprisonment. Now a free man with a deadly to-do list in hand, he's finally on his mission…but with two men on his trail - a veteran cop (Billy Bob Thornton) just days from retirement, and a young egocentric hitman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) with a flair for the art of killing and a newfound worthy opponent. The hunter is also the hunted. It's a do or die race to the list's finish as the mystery surrounding his brother's murder deepens, and new details emerge along the way hinting that Driver's list may be incomplete.

Faster stars Dwayne Johnson (Gridiron Gang, The Scorpion King, The Mummy Returns), Billy Bob Thornton (Eagle Eye, Monster's Ball) and newcomer Oliver Jackson-Cohen star alongside Carla Gugino (Watchmen), Maggie Grace (Taken) and Moon Bloodgood (Terminator Salvation). Faster releases in US theaters November 24, 2010.

*Top of the Dome 7 exhibition will be on view in the gallery during this event as well.


Crewest is proud to announce our featured artist for November: George Yepes

If you don't know his work, then you've never walked around Boyle Heights or East Los and seen some of his epic murals. Or maybe you don't like to watch movies by Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino, who use his artwork extensively throughout their films including for movie poster designs.

In any case, his work is here for the full month of November starting this coming weekend Nov.6th. So come by and take a look first hand at some incredible painting skills by this modern day master. If you can't make it to Downtown LA this month, then check out these online picks of paintings created exclusively for Crewest.


Double-Barrel Shotgun Sugar Skulls #1
G.Yepes © 2010
Title: "Double-Barrel Shotgun Sugar Skulls #1"
Acrylic on Canvas 40" h X 30"w

Double-Barrel Shotgun Sugar Skulls #2
G.Yepes © 2010
Title: "Double-Barrel Shotgun Sugar Skulls #2"
Acrylic on Canvas 40" h X 30"w

Blue Catrina #1
G.Yepes © 2010
Title: "Blue Catrina #1"
Acrylic on Canvas 20" h X 16"w

Red Catrina #1
G.Yepes © 2010
Title: "Red Catrina #1"
Acrylic on Canvas 20" h X 16"w each.

"La Pistola y El Corazon"
G.Yepes © 2010
Title: "La Pistola y El Corazon"
Acrylic on Canvas 47" h X 35"w

George Yepes Biography:

George Yepes. "Muralist and Painter Yepes is Los Angeles' greatest
living Baroque artist".

Marc B. Haefele, Writer

George Yepes face

"When it comes to sheer touch that combines beautiful control over line
and brushwork, yet seemingly spontaneous expression,
George Yepes is among the best. His darkly romantic excess can't help
but make you think he would have been Dante Gabriel
Rossetti's (1828 - 1882, London, England), equal among the
Pre-Raphaelites. But these saints and sinners are hardly a throwback.
Yepes' painting has a visual density and suggestiveness that is as
tantalizing to the intellect as it is arresting for the eye".

The Guide to over 450 Los Angeles Art Galleries and Museums

"Like Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto (1518 - 1594, Venice, Italy), George
Yepes has the ability to pull down from heaven the designs which God has
for humans
and paint them so people can discover through the paintings what they
are deaf to in words".

Dr. David Carrasco, Professor - History of Religions
Editor-in-Chief, Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures
Director, Moses Mesoamerican Archive and Research Project
Neil L. Rudenstine Professor of the Study of Latin America
Divinity School - Harvard University

Called "The City's Preeminent BadAss Muralist" (L.A. New Times - June 2000), and
named a "Treasure of Los Angeles" in 1997 by The Mayor and the Los
Angeles City Council, painter George Yepes: rises above and beyond the Los Angeles genre with a refined
renaissance bent. From religious iconography to erotica, Yepes brings a confidence and knowledge of his craft imbued with a contemporary street sense that combines the best of both worlds, where bravado meets classical standards.

Yepes' paintings are in forty museum collections and have been collected by a widely diverse audience, from
Sean Penn & Madonna, Cheech Marin, Patricia Arquette, Anthony Keidis, Quentin Tarantino,
and Robert Rodriguez. His Warner Bros. album cover for Los Lobos titled "La Pistola y el Corazon" is published as
one of the 'One Hundred Best Album Covers of All Time'.

Hollywood Actresses Salma Hayek, Eva Longoria, and Patricia Arquette have modeled for Yepes paintings.
Also Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp were painted by Yepes for the El Mariachi Trilogy, “Mexico and Mariachis”.

From "Solamente Salma 2006"; "Grind House 2007"; and now "Machete 2009" staring Robert De Niro;
Jessica Alba; Lyndsay Lohan; Danny Trejo; and Cheech Marin:
George Yepes and movie director, Robert Rodriguez (with Quentin Tarantino):
creative giants each in his own rite, have combined their formidable force of talents
and given life to new collaborative artworks. Like Vampires robbing liquor stores from dusk till dawn,
George Yepes and Robert Rodriguez communicate with each other as they communicate with the world: with Two- Smokin' Barrels.

 GeorgeYepes Crewest

If interested in purchasing the incredible artwork of George Yepes please contact us:



7th Annual Dia De Los Muertos exhibition opens to the public:
November 6, 2010 from 6-9pm


**Special Collectors and VIP sneak peak!
Friday November 5th from 7-9pm
Drinks provided by:
Sino Tequila, Asahi, Jarritos, Roaring Lion Energy Drink.
21 + over please RSVP to:


Featuring over 100 ceramic skulls and a few paintings by:

PJay One, Gary Ochoa, Justin Odaffer, Michael Pizzaro, TLOKS, Gilbert Sorabia, MacSorro, Juan Santos, HASTE, Krylonistics, Roland Rosenkranz, Tommy Gibson, Gary Manning, Pat Shields, James Bentley, Travis Moore, Mireya Alonzo, Oscar "Pancho" Torres, Carol Powell, Snow Mack, Dave Grinds, 3rd (Jimbo), Jodi Bonassi, Ms Klue, Brandon Notch, Maya O'Mahony,Man One, Terri Tooter Berman, Patricia Gin, Scott Power, Steve Sattler, Gregg Stone, Big Pranks, Craig Cartwright, Bill Kieffer, Anthony Fuentes, Richard Duardo, Albert Reyes, The Date Farmers, Betoe, K-Soloe1, REL ONE, Messenger, Erik Rodriguez, Fernando Lara, Cati de los Rios, Harry Reynolds, Dave Kawano, Dangeruz, SmearOne, Vyal, Lalo Alcaraz, Apricot Mantle, Jessica Ward, Revel, Jonathan Bueno, Slow 321, Randy Kono, Syndrome and many more!

Featured Artist:
George Yepes

(Show Runs through November 28th, 2010)



Once again Crewest took part in this year’s Beyond Eden, a multi gallery event showcasing talent from select Los Angeles galleries. Showing for Crewest were works by the following outstanding artists Chaz Bojorquez, PaperMonster, Miguel Paredes, Man One, Victor Sepulveda, Huit, WERC, and Mefee.

On display by Chaz Bojorquez was one of his rarest prints (available only through Crewest) “Los Avenues” a limited edition serigraph, one or two printed in 1987, Los Avenues was made using a very extensive process by the artist. The paper is first prepared using ‘zolatone’ paint (a multi-colored automotive industrial paint) prior to printing the silkscreen image. Then using sandpaper to wear down the letters into the background creating an ‘asphalt’ street look. He then layed down three separate stencils and paint with spray cans, two white highlights off the cross, and a black border around the entire print.

PaperMonster had an entire wall where four of his most compelling pieces hung just waiting for art lovers to look closer and notice the layers involved in each piece. People do not realize the amount of layers and work involved in the art made by this stencil artist. Today, stencil artists are getting more and more in depth with their craft everyday and PaperMonster is a stencil artist who pushes the envelope by layering the canvas with hand cut comic book pages. He sprays his stencil with great precision and no overspray. Crewest believes he has brought the art of stenciling to a new level.

Miguel Parades
, who recently had a solo show at Crewest, had four pieces on display. Art lovers are very attracted to the bright colors and subject matter of the artwork by the hard working Miguel Paredes.

Man One had several pieces on display; one in particular was his 2008 aerosol on canvas piece titled “Power Trip”. Art lovers were really taking their time looking at this piece. Power Trip was created as his direct reaction to the destruction and removal of one of the most historical moments in Los Angeles graffiti history, Meeting of Styles LA in 2007 (“MOS-LA”). MOS-LA was an event organized by Man One, Crewest and The Friends of the LA River where over 200 artists painted 10,000 square feet of aerosol murals in a two-day festive event at the Arroyo Seco in the LA River. Even though it was fully permitted by LA County, they later changed their minds and decided to fully censor the murals by buffing all of the work of over 200 of the most talented artists in Los Angeles. Showing at Beyond Eden, were works by some of the artists who participated on MOS-LA whose works are priced in the thousands by the way. These same including Mear, Chaz Bojorquez, Man One and Werc.

We waited months for the works by Mefee to arrive. We were overly excited to release long awaited works by Mefee at Beyond Eden.

Dedicated and from over seas, Huit had one solid piece on display which showed his own futuristic, high tech vision of a modern city.

Victor Sepulveda whose work has extended beyond the constraints of the automobile exterior into the fine art world with his beautifully rendered drawings and paintings of Mexican Revolutionary figures had several collaboration pieces with Man One on display during Beyond Eden.

WERC had a few pieces which give without asking for a return and become a challenge for the viewer's set beliefs.

Collectively, all our artists selected for Beyond Eden impressed many and represented well to the over 3000 attendees.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces above, please contact us at or you can visit our artist section on to view additional works. Click here.



Crewest is currently accepting submissions for The Sharpie Show II, opening in December 2010.


“The Sharpie Show II” is an exhibit featuring unique works of art from all over the world, created solely by practitioners of the famed marker. These artists have decided to uncap their creativity using nothing but a Sharpie!

Check out this slide show of pics from last year's show:

Click Here view last year's very successful Sharpie Show for those who missed it.

Please read below for submission guidelines:

-Email samples of your artwork and/or website for consideration to:

-No more than 3 pieces per artist will be accepted.

-All pieces entered shall not exceed 36" in any direction (all entries combined)

-Artwork must be created with at least 60% Sharpie product, 100% preferred
(any color , size, + marker style accepted)

-No unframed works on paper will be accepted.

-Art must be ready to hang. If necessary, please properly frame the work in a manner which can easily be hung and protects the piece from damage.

-Artist responsible for ALL shipping costs to and from gallery, no exceptions.

-Retail prices shall be within reason.

-Sales commission 50/50 split (between artist/gallery) on sold artwork.

-Open to artists 18+ years of age.

*Submission does not guarantee inclusion to the show. Final decision is up to the curator and gallery director Man One.

Please see below for important dates and deadlines:

Artwork must be received by: Sunday, November 28, 2010
Opening Reception: December 4, 2010 from 6-9pm
Downtown Artwalk: December, 9, 2010 from 6-9pm
Show closes: Sunday, January 2, 2011

To submit, please email us at:

110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA
90013 USA

(No phone calls please.)



We are so very proud to feature Mason Brown during the month of October. Mason Brown is an insanely brilliant graphic artist and filmmaker who seriously gets down with cardboard in a way unimaginable. As founder of Cardboard Robot, a company which makes top of the line cardboard furniture, Brown moved on further and has now brought his newest invention Clocky.

We were lucky enough to catch an inside look at this insane artists home to realize not only does he make Clocky but he lives in a world of Clocky. He is consumed by his creative vision and continues everyday to perfect the Clocky.

Now on display in the featured artist room, Mason Brown has created an installation which is a slice of the world of Clocky. His cardboard creations have taken over. Check it out:

Clocky pieces and merchandise are available online and can be viewed on our available artwork section of the Crewest site by clicking here.

The origins of Clocky...

A fortune telling machine cloaked under the
guise of a temporal device,
Clocky is assumed to behold infinite wisdom
and can predict future events.
Ask Clocky a question, roll the icosahedra die provided, turn
the pentagram dial the number
of times determined by the die and the position of
Clocky's wings will dictate your answer.

Powered by the unknown, Clocky is
marked by emblematic symbols
including - but not limited to: owls, stars, checkers,
moons, and the all seeing eye
that eternally sits and watches over us all.
Available in limited addition,
you too can possess the key to unlocking the future.
Do You Know What Time It Is?
Clocky Does...
About the Clock Builder...

Mason Brown is a graphic artist and
filmmaker who resides
in Long Beach, California.
In 1998, Brown founded
Cardboard Robot as an extension
of various multi-media projects
developed by the artist. Resulting from exhaustive
research into the realm of religious
mysticism and secret societies,
Clocky is the invention of Mason Brown -
Founder and Creative
Director of Cardboard Robot.

A veteran of Desert Storm, much of Brown's
work is aimed at promoting social awareness
through politically charged images. Started as an
8mm short film by the same title about
the excessive age of technology, Cardboard Robot
presents work in many disciplines including
an apparel collection and re-purposed cardboard
furniture all under the creative direction of
Mason Brown.
Now through the generous donations of many
devoted disciples of the Church of Clocky,
home of these mystical fortune telling devices,
Clocky has been realized into a limited
series of hand screen printed, signed
and numbered devices
hand assembled by the artist.

If you have questions, you may contact us at or at 213-627-8272


New to Crewest and showing for the first time ever at the gallery, James Gillette has a piece now available titled "One Eleven".

One Eleven is a 24 x 36 acrylic & paint marker on wood piece made in 2010 and costs $900. Only available during the Faces of Skid Row Exhibition and comes with a generous perk. If purchased, the artist will donate his ENTIRE proceeds to The Midnight Mission.

Artist Statement:
"Many things are seen and experienced but never again spoken about or even mentioned and my experiences in Skid Row reflect on this. Only so much can be put into words and/or images and so much more remains unknown. This piece is a tribute to the mystery of an experience and the things that remain unsaid." - James Gillette

If interested in purchasing the above piece please contact us at the gallery or via email at