Crewest presents you with:

Unearthed! (Japanese Sleeper Awakes)

By Alan Oldham

This piece depicts the artists’ vision of something long buried, erupting from the ground. Evil or angel? We don't know! Alan Oldham is a Techno Producer, DJ and a DJ and has designed various cover art. In addition, Alan Oldham is a lifelong cartoonist with his first Indie cartoon published in 1987 entitled "Johnny Gambit". The piece we have on display has a value based on the length of Oldham’s career in illustration and his accomplishments. He is a professional at what he does.

Unearthed! (Japanese Sleeper Awakes) was created in 2011 and the artist used the following mediums: Sharpie, acrylic and spray paint on canvas.

Available for sale for $600

For serious inquiries, please email Crewest at info@crewest.com.
