Chaz Bojorquez © 2011
6’w X 7’h
(with black wooden frame)
Zolatone, acrylic paint
with silver marker
on canvas

With exploding eyes and a grimacing smile, my skull was
designed to engage the viewer and to burn my tag in their mind.
No longer having the need to tag the streets, doesn’t mean I have
stopped tagging. Instead, I now want to leave a lasting impression,
an image that you will never forget.
The halo is a representation of the West Coast Angels, graffiti writers
of Los Angeles, and a symbol of protection that spells out the original name of the city:
"El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula"
Chaz Bojorquez © 2011

*This piece will be showcased in our newest exhibition:
Opening May 7 - 29, 2011

Chaz Bojorquez © 2011
6’w X 7’h
(with black wooden frame)
Zolatone, acrylic paint
with silver marker
on canvas

With exploding eyes and a grimacing smile, my skull was
designed to engage the viewer and to burn my tag in their mind.
No longer having the need to tag the streets, doesn’t mean I have
stopped tagging. Instead, I now want to leave a lasting impression,
an image that you will never forget.
The halo is a representation of the West Coast Angels, graffiti writers
of Los Angeles, and a symbol of protection that spells out the original name of the city:
"El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula"
Chaz Bojorquez © 2011

*This piece will be showcased in our newest exhibition:
Opening May 7 - 29, 2011